welcome to my blog . all my happiness , my tears and my joy i write in here . if i post anything about YOU , jangan terasa (: lantak aku ah . tak suka , blah . ok , have fun (:
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 7, 2011


thanks to allah
i've been bless to have such a WONDERFUL bestfriends (:


last but not least ......


Saturday, April 30, 2011

bestfriends (:

ni ada cerita tentang besties ni .
diorang ni sayang satu sama lain .
tapi diorang ni selalu sangat gaduh .
actually diorang ni pernah kaple .
but break atas sebab sebab tertentu .
that girl ni jenis yang sensitif .
so , she seems to be very very terkilan la break .
tapi dia tetap tabah . sayang punya pasal .
lagipun that guy told her that he will always love her .
dia pun rasa bahagia .

one day ,
dia dengar macam macam cerita tentang guy tu
yang that guy with someone else .
of course la she feels cheated .
then dia pun marahlah that guy .
but something that lelaki tu cakap wakes her up
'we're just bestfriends , please jgn libatkan perasaan'
she can't accept it .
so she ask her bestfriends for some advise .
they are telling the same .
hmm , well maybe , she should just treat him as a friend .
but can she ?

hmm , aku tk tahu kisah selanjutnya ,
but what i know , that diorang berjanji that they won't kaple with anybody until habis pmr .
but that girl takut satu perkara jer ,
dia takut after pmr , that guy will go to someone else .
well she needs to face it .
they are just bestfriends .

ehh wait , ada sambungan dia .
baru kjap tadi , that girl receive a call from him .
he seems like he want to say something .
tapi dia tak cakap .
then dia cakap 'if aku cakap pun , kau tkkan nak trima'
what does he mean ?
that girl takut sangat sangat if dia salah tafsir .
kaple ?
well , its IMPOSSIBLE .
sebab , that guy nampak macam dah totally anggap dia as besties only .
she's afraid ,
if she putting high hopes again ,
she will broke her heart again .
well , that guy means everything to her .
she just hope that whatever happen ,
they will still become

Saturday, April 23, 2011

kisah aku .

patut ke aku maafkan dia ?
entah la , aku dah betul - betul tawar hati dengan dia
tapi kali ni dia betul - betul serious .
dia kata dia janji nak berubah .
tapi , dia pernah cakap benda ni dulu .
and he didnt do it .
and now , lpas aku dah betul - betul tak tahan ,
dia suro aku bagi dia peluang terakhir .
tapi aku takut sangat - sangat .
being played by someone you love .
it really painful .
tapi aku sayang dia sangat - sangat .
ape aku patut buat ?
forgive him or forget him ?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

L O V E ;

love ,
its something unusual .
its something supernatural .
it can make us happy ,
but it also can make us cry .
only in love ,
we can feel jealousy ,
only in love ,
we can be crazy ,
and only in love ,
we can be in love .
care by a person
love by a person .
i want to feel that kind of feeling .
but can i ?